SAVE THE DATE: Spring Health & Freedom Expo, Saturday, April 20th, 10a-2p, Ladysmith's Elementary School, 115 E 6th S. Ladysmith, WI 54848

We are a Christ-centered organization
made up of highly committed members,
growing as disciples,
seeking and standing on the Truth of God’s Word
with a heart that desires to equip others in the spirit
of the Great Commission.
We believe…
…God exists and is the Creator and source of all things, all truth, all knowledge, all value and all wisdom.
…there is only one true God who is known by Jesus Christ in the flesh, Holy in the Spirit and The Father infinite.
…the Bible to be the inspired, infallible Word of God and that God’s Word is the final authority for faith and life.
…man is created in the image and likeness of God.
…Jesus Christ paid the penalty for our sins and offers forgiveness and eternal life to all who accept and yield to Him.
…we are to follow Jesus Christ’s commandments, with the first and greatest being “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Matt 22: 37) and the second like it “…love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt 22:39).
…we are to fulfill the Great Commission as declared by Jesus Christ.